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Welcome to the El Sobrante Historical Society History Center

Many came down on Saturday, May 8th for the grand opening of the El Sobrante Historical Society History Center. Also present that day were Friends of the Library who had their first book sale since before the pandemic. We also had our books on the history of El Sobrante available and sold several.

There was a steady flow of visitors, who generally seemed pleased and impressed by our modest center. The plus side of that is everyone got to enter the Center right away, and it was never too crowded. County Supervisor John Gioia was there early with his assistant to make a video--a big plus for us. He is a true supporter of our efforts and we are grateful for his continued support. View his opening day intro video below.

Janet Pottier, President of San Pablo Historical & Museum Society came by for a tour as well as Barry Goode, who is a Board member of Contra Costa County Historical Society. We did get to meet some interesting people and the highlight of the day was to see Kenyon Chan whose parents, Gene and Martha Chan owned and operated Manor Market in El Sobrante for many years (from 1952 to 1988). For our first day being open since the pandemic, it was a success. It was a good day overall.

We will now be open each Saturday from 10am to 4pm; but we may modify the hours depending on traffic flow.  

Below are some photos taken at our Grand Opening.

Photos courtesy of Clementina Diaz and Lyle 'Ziggy' Miller 

L-R: Emil, Steve, Lyle, Supervisor Gioia, and Donald

L-R: Clementina, Emil, Lyle, and Steve

Friends of the Library.jpg
Book & Plant sale.jpg

El Sobrante Friends of the Library Book and Plant Sale


County Supervisor John Gioia
viewing the Nancy Fahden display

Donald showing visitors a display

Garrison Traver looking at the photos on the wall

Kenyon Chan, son of Gene and Martha Chan who owned and operated Manor Market in El Sobrante standing next to a De Anza jacket on display (left) and at right, standing next to the scale used at Manor Market since the store opened, which he kindly donated for our History Center

Photos courtesy of Clementina Diaz and Lyle 'Ziggy' Miller 

Click to watch a virtual tour



Located behind the El Sobrante Library at 4300 Garden Road.

By the way, the new name for the building is The Nancy Fahden House.  Nancy Fahden was the first woman supervisor in CC County, and she used this building as her office for a time.  It seemed a fitting tribute to honor Nancy as one of the "firsts" in our county.

The new ESHS museum is housed in the old Community building, located behind the library. The entrance to the museum is at the far right of the building. We are nicely situated in the new community park, and will have ready access to the park space to hold society events.

The El Sobrante Historical Society is a volunteer-based organization. If you would like to help us continue this important work and assist in our efforts to preserve our history, you can now donate via Paypal. Click on the logo button below to donate now. All donations are tax deductible.

Donate via QR code below

Thank you for your support!


©2018 El Sobrante Historical Society    â–      Webmaster: roxymiraválle    â–

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